
TecFlash GmbH


You need help with your SAP application..... Let's get started.




We aim to provide best expertise not only but in particular through the planning and blue-printing phase of SAP projects.

As it is known and understood that a solid planing is a key success factor we will guide our clients to achieve that milestone.

Thereby, the ASAP Methodology Roadmap can be a very useful tool set throughout the project phases.



Having fundamental SAP knowledge and experience will help our clients to get through the implementation phase in time.

Our expertise streches across several SAP modules, covering Sales, Logistic Execution and CRM for instance.

Service oriented architecture is not only a slogan but rather a concept we follow whenever it is advisable.



We at TecFlash GmbH won't leave our clients out in the rain after the build and deployment phase.

We offer support in the hypercare and consolidation phase.

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